How do my visitors/vendors get into the property?

During business hours, they can dial 000 (three zero's) at the main gate on Fulton to be granted access by our office staff.  They will need to sign in at the lodge at the opposite end of the street from the main gate.  From there we can direct them to your address.

Outside business hours, you will either need to meet them at the gate to get them in yourself, or use the gate directory system at the main gate on Fulton Ave.  The person at the gate can either pull you up by your last name/first initial, or enter your 3-digit code given to you by the office.  When they do, you will get a call on your phone and can speak to whoever is at the gate through the intercom.  To grant them access, just press 5 on your phone.  Once you hear a loud beep, the gate will open.  Contact the office to set up your name and phone number in the gate directory if you have not already done so.